Heritage Grant Fund
The Heritage Grant Fund provides financial assistance to building owners to undertake heritage enhancement work.
The grants are for external works that enhance the historic value of heritage buildings listed in the District Plan, or have exceptional circumstances.
Crown and council-owned buildings used by non-government organisations can be considered for funding, as can buildings outside of the town centre where substantial community benefit can be demonstrated.
Grants are available for projects such as:
- restoration of original features
- parapet reinstatement
- verandahs – new or altered
- painting in heritage colours
- external lighting
- removal of redundant signage
- professional advice relating to seismic and fire upgrade. This could include:
- fire rating assessments and design
- detailed seismic assessment and design
- architectural conservation advice
- relocation of equipment, for example, air conditioning units.
Projects that are not eligible for funding include:
- works not appreciable from the public domain
- works that do not preserve or enhance the valued historic character of the heritage building
- additions and extensions to heritage buildings
- repairs and maintenance, for example, damp proofing, gutter replacement
- internal works
- physical seismic strengthening works
- new signage
Application rounds
For the 2024/2025 financial year, there are two application rounds with a total funding pool of $150,000 per annum.
Any applicable building or resource consents must be obtained before application for funding can be considered.
Funding applications must be made before work commences and the project must be completed within 12 months of funding approval.
Funding is not available for works already undertaken.
Funds are paid to the applicant upon the satisfactory completion of all works applied for.
How to apply
Applications for this financial year's first funding round are open from 30 September 2024 - 30 March 2025
Download an application form(PDF, 180KB) and send the completed form and attached quotes to:
Heritage Grant Scheme
Whanganui District Council
PO Box 637
Whanganui 4541
For further information or enquiries please contact the council's heritage advisor, Scott Flutey, by calling 06 349 3168 or emailing heritagegrantfund@whanganui.govt.nz