Health registration fees and charges

Fee (All fees and charges include GST unless otherwise stated)



Food Control Plan (FCP) - register

Administration and receipt of Food Control Plans


Food Control Plan - renewal



Food Control Plan - verification

Including site visits and compliance checks


National Programmes (NP) - register

Administration and receipt of National Programmes


National Programme - renewal

Every 2 years



Register and inspect / renewal and inspect


Camping ground

Register and inspect / renewal and inspect


Funeral director

Register and inspect / renewal and inspect


Offensive trades

Register and inspect / renewal and inspect


Amendment to food registration, hairdresser, campground, funeral director or offensive trade

30 mins administration charge


Equipment seizure return

Return of seized equipment


Noise abatement notice



* Subject to a $25 accreditation levy not included in the above fees and charges
** Includes a $25 accreditation levy

The Ministry for Primary Industries is implementing new fees – these costs will be passed on at cost once known.

Council officer hourly rates

Council Officer

Hourly Rate

Team Leader


Senior Environmental Health Officer


Environmental Health Officer


