
Antenno is a free mobile app that sends you notifications and alerts on everything from kerbside recycling to community events. 


The app is simple and easy to use. You don't need a login, and you don't need to check the app for new information – Antenno lets you know when something comes up.

We will send you information about things like water shut-offs or roadworks in your street, community events in your area, and more.

You can choose the places you want to be alerted about, so we’re not bothering you with things that don’t affect you. You could chose to receive alerts relating you where you live, work or where your kids go to school. You can also opt out of topics that aren’t relevant to you.

Seen some graffiti, found a pot hole, or have a new idea? Go to the 'Report it' section of the app and add a report to tell us about it. Your report goes directly to our contact centre who then assign it to the relevant team.

If you send your report outside of working hours (8.30am–5pm, Monday to Friday) and it's urgent, call our after-hours service on 06 349 0001 so we can respond. Otherwise, your report will be processed on the next business day.


Get started

Step 1.Download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

App strore badge

Google Play badge

Step 2.Open the app and add your first place

Make this as specific as possible – preferably a physical street address (e.g. 22B Dorset Road, Springvale, Whanganui).

Antenno - add a place

Step 3.Give your place a nickname

Choose a name that is relevant and easy to remember (e.g. 'Home' or 'Work'). This will help make it easier to distinguish each place in your list of places.

Antenno - add a place 2

Step 4.Add as many places as you like

Antenno - your places

Step 5.Stay informed!

You will receive any notifications that relate to any of the places that you have added.

Antenno - notification

Report it!

Step 1.Head to the 'Report it' section of the app

Report an issue or idea

Step 2.Add a report

Select what the report is about

Add a report

Step 3.Choose a category

Choose a category

Step 4.Add a photo

This is optional but it helps if you can - you can add up to three photos

Add a photo

Step 5.Take a new photo or add one you have already taken

How to add a photo

Step 6.Add report details

Provide more details

Step 7.All done - what your report looks like!

See your reports


Frequently-asked questions

Why do I have to save places as specific addresses, why can't I save the whole district?

The aim of Antenno is to provide relevant information for places you care about. If it was broader, Antenno posts would start to resemble a social media feed that you need to sift through to find messages relevant to you. If something comes up that affects the entire district, you'll still receive a notification.

Can I opt out of a topic for a specific place?

Yes, even if the places are in the same suburb. As an example, if you save your work address (where you don't want to receive water shut-down alerts) and your home address (where you DO want to receive water shut-down alerts), you can choose to opt out of receiving water shut-down alerts for your work address. Or, for example, if you don't want to receive kerbside recycling reminders for your workplace, but you do for your home address.

To opt out, go into the recycling reminder post and click the bell icon at the top right of the screen to manage the locations you receive the alerts regarding recycling. You will be able to go into 'Options for rubbish and recycling posts' and then click on the place where you don't want to receive the alerts.

You can change this later from Your Places.

Antenno opt out option screen


Can I opt back in to a topic that I have opted out of?

Yes, go to Your Places.

Can I respond to notifications?

If you've found the post useful, you can thank us using the thumbs up icon. If you have an issue or feedback you'd like to send to the council, use the 'Report it' function to send us a report.

Sometimes notifications seem to be delayed - why?

The app requires either a WiFi connection or mobile data to receive notifications. If you are somewhere without WiFi and don't have your mobile data on, you won't receive new posts until you are connected again.

Sometimes I don't receive a notification for weeks - why?

If there hasn't been any incidents or information relevant to your saved places you won't be sent any notifications! Don't worry – Antenno will let you know when something happens.

How do you choose which notifications go to which devices or places?

When we have a notification to send we assess which communities would find the message relevant. For example:

  • A notification about an incident or road closure on State Highway 3 between Whanganui and Pākaraka would be sent to the whole district as that road is widely used.
  • An unplanned water outage that affects residents in Liverpool Street would only be sent to those in that street.
  • A rates reminder would be sent district-wide, as would a reminder about dog registrations.

If I have multiple places saved, how do I know which place a notification relates to?

Each notification shows which of your saved places it relates to, by displaying the places' nickname at the top left.

For example, if you have saved three places (your home, your work and your rental property for example) you will see that for a rates reminder (a district-wide message) all three nicknames appear at the top as this post is relevant to all three places.