Berms are the grassed areas between the footpath and roadside. As part of being a "good neighbour", most Whanganui residents mow the berm outside their property.
The council does not automatically mow any grassed berms outside private property. This makes economic sense and helps to keep rate increases to a minimum.
If residents are unable to mow their berm, they may wish to employ a contractor at their own personal cost. You can find details of suitable contractors online, in the Yellow Pages or in the classified section of local newspapers.
Residents who are physically incapable of mowing their berm may be eligible for a Work and Income allowance to assist with the cost of a contractor. For more information on available allowances, call Work and Income on 0800 559 009.
The council will periodically cut grass berms for safety and visibility if they are left to grow over 200mm. The clippings will not be collected.
Other specified road berms are mown to a higher standard, eg: Georgetti Road to 150mm and Burton Avenue centre island to 75mm.
Planting on berms
The berm outside your property is a council road reserve that should be free of plants / shrubs to ensure safe use of the road for all road users.
Rural berm mowing
Rural berms are mowed 4-6 times per year. Mowing is done two-metres from the edge of the seal where possible. Owners are responsible for the rest.
Rural high mowing
Mowing is done once a year to stop vegetation encroachments and to maintain sightlines and edge marker post visibility. The intervention height is 500mm.