Apply for a Certificate of Acceptance

Certificates of Acceptance is a building certification that can be issued retrospectively by the council for unconsented building work.

A Certificate of Acceptance may be issued for building work already done if either:

  • the owner or any previous owner did the work and a building consent was required for the work but not obtained
  • building work had been carried out urgently (see section 42 of the Building Act 2004)
  • a building consent authority that is not a territorial authority or a regional authority is unable or refuses to issue a code compliance certificate in relation to building work for which it granted a building consent.

The work must-have been carried out after 1 July 1992 and comply with the current Building Code. Certificate of Acceptance may be issued for unconsented works completed since 1993.

From 17 July 2024, all new applications for a Certificate of Acceptance will be assessed to see if they need to pay development contributions – fees payable to the council to fund the infrastructure required to support growth – such as new roads, pathways, pipes, and parks. These fees must be paid before the Certificate of Acceptance will be issued. 

Find out more about development contributions.


Apply online

Step 1.Before you start

You will need to create a RealMe account to access the council’s online application form. This will allow you to log in to online services website where you can complete the application form.

To make an appointment with a member of our building control team to find out more about how to lodge your application, please call 06 349 0001.

Step 2.Apply online

Visit online services

If you do need assistance, visit council customer services at 101 Guyton Street where a dedicated staff member can take you through the online application process.

Step 3.What next?

Applications for Certificates of Acceptance must be processed within 20 days working days. Requests for further information will stop the statutory clock and it is not restarted until all the required information is supplied.

Paper Certificates of Acceptance applications may incur increased costs for items such as scanning.

All data is securely held in the council's files, as well as electronically, and is made available for public viewing where allowable under the Privacy Act.

Apply in person

To make an appointment with a member of our building control team to find out more about how to lodge your application, please call 06 349 0001.