Non-residential contributions

Non-residential (commercial or industrial) development needs to pay a development contribution towards the additional infrastructure demand it generates.

Non-residential developments may not conform with typical household demands for each type of service.

Charges will depend on the location (catchment area) of your development and the cost of providing different types of infrastructure to that area.  All development also pays a contribution towards the infrastructure required to support growth across the whole district.

The basic calculation for development contributions is:
Additional units of demand x [district-wide development contribution rate + development contribution rate for catchment area of development] = development contribution payable.

You can read about how we calculate the units of demand and the rates for non-residential development in the following sections of the development contributions policy:

  •  Units of Demand for Non-Residential
  • Schedule 4 – Schedule of development contributions

The calculation of development contributions for non-residential development is likely to be very specific to the development, so we recommend an early discussion with the council’s planning team. Email to arrange a meeting with the duty planner.  

An assessment for development contributions will be made when you submit an application for a land use consent, sub-division, building consent, service connection or certificate of acceptance, and you will be notified of how much you have to pay.

The deadlines for payment will depend on the type of consent that is applied for. We will notify you about the amount you need to pay, payment due dates and how to pay when we issue your consent. Consent, certification or connection will only proceed after you have paid your development contribution. Find out more about payments.

Non-Residential Development contribution rates

The amount of development contributions you have to pay will depend on the location (catchment area) of your development and the cost of providing different types of infrastructure to that area.  Each catchment area has a different rate.

The catchment areas for non-residential development are:

  • Mill Road Industrial area
  • Whanganui Urban Infill
  • Whanganui Rural
  • Springvale Expansion area (with three sub-zones B, C and D)
  • Northwest Growth Area (with four sub-zones A1, A2, D and E)

You can see the different zones on this map.

You can read about the council’s planned projects to deliver growth in each catchment area in Schedule 6 – catchment areas and projects of the development contributions policy.

All development also pays a contribution towards the infrastructure required to support growth across the whole district.

The district-wide rate is added to the catchment area rate for your development when we calculate the amount due.