Remissions, postponement, development agreements and exemptions

The development contributions policy sets out how we approach requests for remissions, postponements, development agreements and exemptions in more detail.


If your development meets certain criteria, the council may remit (or discount) part or all of your development contribution. We will consider applications for remission on the basis of:

  • Actual demand: remissions will be considered if you can demonstrate that the actual demand is sufficiently lower than modelled demand
  • Social housing: remissions will be considered if the development is delivering not-for-profit housing
  • Community groups and trusts: remissions will be considered if the development is being undertaken by a registered charitable trust, and the development will be operated on a not-for-profit basis

Please read the section 8.7 of the development contributions policy for the full details of the eligibility criteria for each type of remission, how to apply, the information you will have to provide, and how applications are assessed.

Remissions are made at the sole discretion of the council and will include any conditions the council considers appropriate.

Applying for remission

You will need to lodge any application for a remission with the council within 30 working days of receiving advice in writing about your development contribution charge, and before any development contributions payment is due to the council. The council will not allow remissions retrospectively.

You must make your application in writing to and set out the reasons for the request.

You will have to pay the actual and reasonable costs (including staff time, consultant, legal or administrative costs) associated with the consideration of the application for remission regardless of whether or not the application is successful.

Assessment of applications

The council considers applications for remission on their own merits and previous decisions of the council will not be regarded as creating a precedent or expectations.

Remission applications will be considered on an activity-by-activity basis, with those activities being water, wastewater, stormwater, transport, community infrastructure and reserves.

If you consider that your development meets the criteria for a remission, it is recommended that you speak to the council early in developing the proposal.

Status of remissions applications

If we grant a remission under this policy, it will be regarded as a postponement until you have demonstrated that any conditions placed on the remission have been met. The postponement will be for a period of two years, unless a different period is stated within the conditions of an approval.

Where you do not meet the conditions of a remission by the end of a deferral period, approval of the remission will lapse and you will become liable for the development contributions.

The council may approve an extension to the postponement period associated with a remission, taking into account various criteria. Please see section 8.7 of the development contributions policy.


The council may postpone payment for part or all of a development contribution levied on a developer. This will be at its sole discretion and include any conditions the council considers appropriate. The council considers each application for postponement on its own merits and any previous decisions of the council will not be regarded as creating a precedent or expectations.

Applications for a postponement must be made in writing and set out the reasons for the request. You will be liable for all actual and reasonable costs (including staff time, consultant, legal or administrative costs) associated with consideration of your application for postponement, whether or not the application is successful.

Please read section 8.6 of the development contributions policy for more information.

Development agreements

Whanganui District Council may enter into a development agreement with one or more developers for them to provide the infrastructure that has been identified as needed to support growth. For more information please refer to section 8.5 of our development contributions policy. If you have any further queries please email


Whanganui District Council will apply any exemptions required by the Local Government Act 2002. The two main categories of development that are excluded from development contributions are Crown developments and council-related developments.

For information please refer to our development contributions policy. If you have any further queries please email