This Plan Change addresses projected residential demand in Otamatea West. A study identified approximately 630 new dwellings in Otamatea by 2065, most of which would be accommodated within existing areas already zoned for residential activities. The Plan Change implements recommendations of a structure planning technical report, including rezoning additional land, and became operative on Wednesday 19 December 2018.
Summary of Submissions
The Summary of Submissions was publicly notified on 21 October 2017 and the further submission period closed on 6 November 2017.
Further Submissions
Submissions 1-16(PDF, 15MB)
Cultural Values Report
Interim Cultural Values Report(PDF, 1MB)
Integrated Transport Assessment
Integrated Transport Assessment(PDF, 2MB)
Call for submissions
The Plan Change was publicly notified on 9 September 2017 and the submission period closed on 6 October 2017.
Otamatea Structure Plan
Otamatea Structure Plan(PDF, 3MB)
Archaeology Report
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