Phase 2 of the Whanganui District Plan review process considers those activities and issues relating to our residential areas.
Plan Changes 23–28 (Phase 2 – Residential) and Plan Change 29 (Phase 3 – Built Heritage) were publicly notified on 1 November 2012.
Remaining provisions, Urban Map 8, Rules 3.7.1(a) and 11.5.4(a) became operative on 8 May 2015.
Provisions not subject to appeal became Operative on 19 December 2013. Appeal decisions excluding Part Urban Map 8, Rules 3.7.1(a) and 11.5.4(a) became Operative on 7 August 2014.
- Public Notice of Operative Date for Plan Changes 23 (excluding Part Urban Map 8, Rules 3.7.1(a) and 11.5.4(a)), 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28(PDF, 63KB)
- Public Notice of Partially Operative Date for Plan Change 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29(PDF, 130KB)
- Public Notice of Decisions on Submissions to Plan Change 25(PDF, 12KB)
- Public Notice of Decisions on Submissions to Plan Changes 23, 24, 26, 27 and 28(PDF, 12KB)
The following maps have been amended:
- Urban 1
- Urban 3
- Urban 5
- Urban 6
- Urban 8
- Urban 10
- Urban 12–14
- Urban 18
- Urban 20
- Urban 22
- Urban 26
- Urban 27
- Urban 30
Plan Change 23 - Section 32 Report(PDF, 51KB)
The following maps have been amended:
- Urban 9
- Urban 10
- Urban 14
- Urban 15
- Urban 16
- Urban 20
- Urban 24
- Urban 25
Plan Change 24 - Section 32 Report(PDF, 2MB)
Plan Change 24 - Summary of Submissions(PDF, 13KB)
Plan Change 27 - Regulatory and Hearings Committee Report(PDF, 137KB)
Plan Change 27 - Regulatory and Hearings Committee Table of Decisions(PDF, 567KB)
Plan Change 27 - Marked-up Text(PDF, 1MB)
Plan Change 27 - Maps(PDF, 8MB)
The following maps have been amended:
- Urban 1–3
- Urban 5
- Urban 6
- Urban 8
- Urban 11
- Urban 13–15
- Urban 17
- Urban 19–21
- Urban 24–26
- Rural 13–14
- Rural 18–19
- Rural 22
- Rural Settlement 2 Kaiwhaiki
- Rural Settlement 3 Fordell
- Rural Settlement 4 Upokongaro
- Rural Settlement 5 Mowhanau
Plan Change 27 - Section 32 Report(PDF, 177KB)
Note: Changes made to the Land Development and Subdivision Engineering Document as a result of the Council’s decisions on submissions are indicated in Plan Change 27 – Marked-up Text. Changes relate to the supplement only. To view the rest of the document refer to Plan Change 27 – Notified Documents.