Phase 3 – Built Heritage
The Council is currently working on the Earthquake-Prone Building Policy. We are reviewing the District Plan Built Heritage now to capitalise on the work already underway and this is being completed alongside Phase 2.
Phase 3 will include a review of Built Heritage currently included in the District Plan as well as considering buildings that are not yet listed. We will be working closely with building owners throughout the process.
Detailed reports have been researched and prepared for more than 200 buildings, both those presently listed and those being considered for listing. A draft scheme to group buildings into four levels of importance and protection has been recommended. Consultation has included a meeting with building owners, attendance at the River Traders' Market and discussions with interest groups. Two workshops have been held with Councillors.
We have collated all the information we have received through consultation. Through this process we have reviewed and drafted Issues, Objectives, Policies, Methods and Rules creating the Plan Change (see below).
A proposed Plan Change is the outcome of a public process which requires research, evaluation and partnership between the Council and the community. The proposed Plan Change document states Whanganui’s proposed position on land-use management.
Phase 3 – Built Heritage was public notified on 1 November 2012. Submissions closed on 4 December 2012.
After the closing date for receiving submissions on the proposed plan, the council summarised the submissions received. This summary was publicly notified and made available for inspection between 24 January 2013 and 13 February 2013.
The hearing process for Phase 2 (Residential) and Phase 3 (Built Heritage) has taken place and deliberations are now complete. The notified text for Plan Change 29 and the decisions made by the Regulatory and Hearings Committee can be found below.
The appeal period for decisions on Plan Change 29 – Built Heritage is now closed. No appeals were received.
Plan Change 29 was made operative on 11 December 2013.
Plan Change 29 - Built Heritage
Plan Change 29 - Maps
The following maps have been amended:
- Urban 1-2(PDF, 962KB)
- Urban 4-10(PDF, 2MB)
- Urban 12-16(PDF, 2MB)
- Urban 20-27(PDF, 4MB)
- Urban 29-30(PDF, 1MB)
- Urban 32-34(PDF, 1MB)
- Rural 2 & 4-5(PDF, 2MB)
- Rural 7-8 & 11(PDF, 3MB)
- Rural 13-16(PDF, 4MB)
- Rural 18-22(PDF, 5MB)
- Rural Settlements 1-6(PDF, 1MB)
Plan Change 29 – Section 32 Report(PDF, 62KB)
Notified Documents
Relevant Documents
Heritage Review Report(PDF, 55KB)
Brent Wheeler Report 2013 - The value of built heritage assets in Wanganui
Brent Wheeler Report 2013 - The value of built heritage assets in Wanganui(PDF, 374KB)