Phase 8 – G​​​eneral Provisions ​​& NZS4404

Proposed Plan Change 52 – Appendix I – NZS4404: 2010 Update

The Council's Infrastructure Team has updated the Engineering Code for Land Development and Subdivision Engineering 2012 to refer directly to the most recent New Zealand Standard 4404:2010 Subdivision and Land Development. This Plan change updates Appendix I to the District Plan with the revised Engineering Code and makes any consequential changes to related Plan provisions. The revised Code is simplified as the Council's approach is largely consistent with the NZ Standard approach. The engineering requirements themselves are essentially unchanged as a result of this work. There is a greater focus on outcomes rather than prescription of specific design solutions. 


Decisions on submissions were notified on Saturday 11 February 2017 and effective immediately. 


The hearing of submissions was held on 30 November 2016.

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

  • Section 32 Report(PDF, 325KB)
    Refer to the section on Notification documents below for links to Appendix 1 (tracked proposed changes to District Plan chapters)  and Appendix 2 (tracked proposed changes to District Plan Appendix I) of the Section 32 report.  

Notification documents

Summary of Submissions

The Plan Change was publicly notified on 23 July 2016 and the further submission period closed on 23 September 2016.  


Call for Submissions

The Plan Change was publicly notified on 23 July 2016 and the submission period closed on 23 August 2016.

Appendix 1 - Tracked proposed changes to District Plan chapters

Appendix 2 - Tracked proposed changes to District Plan Appendix I

Refer to Relevant Documents below for all sections of the Engineering Document except the three sections below which were amended as part of notification.

Relevant documents

Part 1 - General(PDF, 417KB) Part 2 - Land Stability(PDF, 285KB)
Part 3 - Roads(PDF, 545KB) Part 4 - Stormwater(PDF, 402KB)
Part 5 - Wastewater(PDF, 336KB) Part 6 - Water Supply(PDF, 440KB)
Part 7 - Landscape(PDF, 279KB) Part 8 - Network Utility(PDF, 258KB)
Appendices(PDF, 150KB) Appendix A(PDF, 364KB) Appendix B(PDF, 201KB)
Roading(PDF, 1MB) Water Services(PDF, 558KB) Subdivision
Appendix C(PDF, 170KB) Appendix D(PDF, 169KB) Appendix E(PDF, 277KB)
Appendix F(PDF, 708KB) Appendix G(PDF, 768KB) Appendix H(PDF, 259KB)
Appendix I(PDF, 814KB) Appendix J(PDF, 298KB) Appendix K(PDF, 190KB)
Appendix L(PDF, 305KB) Appendix M(PDF, 298KB) Appendix N(PDF, 509KB)
Appendix O(PDF, 234KB) AppendixP(PDF, 112KB) Appendix Q(PDF, 432KB)

Proposed Plan Change 51 – Miscellaneous

Definitions, assessment criteria and methods

A review of Chapters 2, 22 and 23 of the Plan has resulted in a more targeted use of assessment criteria within zone and topic chapters, deletion of the methods and assessment criteria chapters and an update of key definitions.

Introduction and information requirements

A review of Chapter 1 and use of other methods outside the Plan to guide Plan users especially through development of a one-stop shop section on 'How to apply for a resource consent' has been completed.


Decisions on submissions were notified on Saturday 11 February 2017 and effective immediately. 


The hearing of submissions was held on 30 November 2016.

Hearing Report(PDF, 101KB)

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

 Notification documents

Summary of Submissions

The Summary of Submissions was publicly notified on 23 July 2016 and the further submission period closed on 23 September 2016.   


Call for Submissions

The Plan Change was publicly notified on 23 July 2016 and the submission period closed on 23 August 2016.

Relevant documents

Future Plan Change

LSAA Stage 4 (Parkdale / Christies Hill / Virginia Road, Putiki and Marybank areas)

A technical report will be commissioned and completed in 2017. This will be preceded by a high level review of the boundaries of areas investigated to date, to confirm whether, as a result of work completed, any additional areas should also be investigated perhaps as part of this final stage. Engagement with owners of land included in these study areas will be advised by letter prior to the start of any research.