Plan Change 48 - Outstanding Natural Landscapes
In March 2015, the council identified the Whanganui River valley as an area of high amenity and value to the community, with a view to ensuring that this high amenity area be protected from inappropriate development. While draft rules and maps were prepared at that time subsequent consultation identified a wide range of issues that needed to be addressed, including matters of concern to Tangata Whenua. Additional consultation has also occurred with Ngā Tāngata Tiaki o Whanganui Trust to address any issues arising in relation to the Te Awa Tupua Act.
A key element of this process was the preparation of the Ko Tā Whanganui Titiro / Whanganui Hapū/Iwi World View: Outstanding Natural Landscapes Cultural Assessment Report.
Outstanding Natural Landscapes Cultural Assessment Report(PDF, 4MB)
Based on the original Technical Assessment, and the Cultural Assessment Report and detailed discussion and negotiations with Tāngata Whenua redrafted plan provisions are nearing completion for the Natural Features and Landscape section of the District Plan.
Issues, Objectives and Options – discussion paper
This discussion paper has been divided into four parts:
- Part 1: Outstanding Natural Landscapes
To inform this Plan change, the council commissioned John Hudson to review the landscapes within Whanganui to identify potential Outstanding Natural Landscapes. This was completed in 2015. The council then commissioned Whanganui iwi (who have an interest in all the identified Outstanding Natural Landscapes) to prepare a cultural assessment report to assist the council in better understanding tangata whenua values, and to identify existing and potential protection mechanisms.
- Part 2:(PDF, 237KB) Significant Natural Areas
The council has a responsibility to recognise and protect areas of significant indigenous vegetation and habitats of indigenous fauna (condensed to Significant Natural Areas for this report).
- Part 3:(PDF, 251KB) Surface of Water
The council's responsibility to consider the surface of water comes from section 31(e) of the Resource Management Act.
- Part 4:(PDF, 264KB) Coastal Environment Special Management Zone
The council has a responsibility to give effect to the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement (NZCPS) which seeks to achieve the purpose of the Resource Management Act in relation to the coastal environment.
Outstanding Natural Landscape - Technical Assessment
The council recently commissioned landscape architects John Hudson Associates to assess outstanding natural landscape areas listed in the Horizons Regional Council One Plan. This assessment(PDF, 8MB) is now complete and identifies areas of scenic amenity and areas of specific outstanding natural landscapes.