Plan Change 53 - Springvale Structure Plan

The Council made its decisions on submissions to Plan Change 53 at its meeting on Thursday 16 April 2020. 

The purpose of this Plan Change is to meet projected housing demand for land out to 2065. 

Land suitable for additional housing west of Springvale has been identified, and the Springvale Structure Plan has been developed to facilitate new housing in the Mosston Road, Fox Road and Fitzherbert Avenue areas. A Notice of Requirement for designation of land for roading and drainage purposes has been approved.

Hapū, landowners, community groups and technical experts have informed the preparation of the structure plan in relation to ecological, archaeological, cultural, traffic and stormwater management options.

The structure plan proposes a high quality urban environment, walkable neighbourhoods, with streets well-connected to public spaces and a shared cycleway network linking to schools and adjacent areas, clear management of stormwater and traffic, notably protection of the heavy vehicle function of Mosston Road. Provision for a neighbourhood park is made south of Fox Road along with protection and potential enhancement of the Tītoki Wetland, an area of high cultural and ecological value.

Plan Change 53:

  1. Rezones Rural Lifestyle land to Residential, and some land owned by the Council to Reserves and Open Space Zone.
  2. Amends Plan policies and rules to encourage residential development and subdivision.
  3. Protects the functioning of Mosston Road as a heavy vehicle route, by avoiding or minimising the potential for reverse sensitivity issues created by more intensive residential development.
  4. Protects areas of cultural and ecological significance, notably the Tītoki Wetland and hinterland.