Household Hazardous Waste Day

Paint cans

Household Hazardous Waste Day gives households the opportunity to register hazardous waste with the council and drop it off at a designated location. 

Household Hazardous Waste Day is held annually – the next event is provisionally scheduled for early 2025

We'll notify everyone in the community well in advance of next year's event so that your hazardous waste can be appropriately dealt with (it is essential that hazardous waste is registered with the council and approved before the day so we can plan for its safe disposal through proper channels). 

Types of hazardous waste we accept

Household waste

  • paint
  • cleaners
  • poisons
  • solvents
  • batteries

Garden chemicals

  • insecticides
  • herbicides
  • fungicides

Automotive and marine waste

  • antifreeze
  • brake fluid
  • fuel
  • batteries
  • anti-fouling paint

Pool chemicals

  • chlorine


How to dispose of other hazardous waste

The following types of waste cannot be accepted on Household Hazardous Waste Day:

  • business or commercial household waste
  • asbestos
  • cooking oil
  • electronic waste
  • fertilisers
  • LPG gas cylinders
  • lightbulbs
  • mobile phones
  • motor oil
  • pharmaceuticals


For information on how to dispose of hazardous waste we can’t accept on Household Hazardous Waste Day, visit the Resource Whanganui website: