Customer Care


Whanganui District Council is committed to delivering excellent customer-focused services to our entire community. This charter outlines the service you can expect from us. 

Our commitment to you

  • We are as enabling as possible when we work with you and seek improvement opportunities where we can
  • We value and respect the diversity of our customers
  • We respond to your queries promptly
  • We value your feedback and will provide multiple ways for you to provide it
  • We provide professional and friendly service
  • We ensure accurate and timely information is provided
  • We are accessible
  • We are efficient
  • We are knowledgeable

Our customer experience standards

In person 

  • We greet you on arrival
  • We acknowledge you if there is a wait
  • If you have an appointment we meet with you on time
  • We contact the appropriate person if your enquiry cannot be resolved at the first point of contact
  • If the person you require is unavailable we take your contact details and ensure they are passed on

Contact Centre

  • We ensure your call is answered as quickly as possible.
  • We greet you and identify who you are speaking with
  • We endeavour to resolve your query at first point of contact – if we are unable to we will transfer your call or refer the service request to the appropriate person 

Email and online request for service (ie: Antenno, Snap Send Solve)

  • Emails are monitored weekdays during business hours.
  • Emails are acknowledged the same working day they are received
  • Service requests are referred to the appropriate team the same working day they are received

Telling us what you think

  • We are interested in your comments on the service we provide
  • We are focused on opportunities to improve customer experience
  • Any feedback received is responded to within three working days
  • We take all complaints seriously and impartially examine the issue
  • If we have made a mistake we do our best to put things right
  • We celebrate your compliments!

Customer complaints procedure

What happens when things go wrong? Examples might be:

  • We haven’t done what we said we would do
  • You're not happy with the way our staff have behaved
  • We haven’t provided a good service

We are committed to resolving any unsatisfactory service quickly and preventing similar issues happening again.

Complaints procedure

  • Any complaint received is referred to the customer experience group manager.
  • We review complaints to ensure we have done everything we can to help
  • The management process and timeframe is defined on a case-by-case basis. You can expect an acknowledgement of your complaint within three working days and we will keep you updated on how we’re progressing with your complaint. If we need to take longer because, for example, we need additional information or it is a detailed matter, we will let you know
  • If the response or suggested resolution doesn’t meet your expectations you can discuss this with the customer experience group manager
  • If you are still dissatisfied you can refer your complaint to the Office of the Ombudsman

Your feedback is important to us…

Please feel free to give us feedback on our services. You can do this by:

  • emailing
  • calling us on 06 349 0001
  • submitting feedback using the form below
  • or when visiting us, leave feedback using our HappyOrNot digital kiosk located in the foyer at 101 Guyton Street.
What type of feedback is this? * (required)
Your feedback
Please provide as many details as possible, such as department, names, date and time. Alternatively, you can email your feedback to
Your contact details
Preferred contact method
Type the characters you see in the image below * (required)