Māori wards referendum
Māori ward referendum
In October 2025, alongside the council elections, you’ll vote in a referendum to decide the future of Māori wards. You'll be voting on whether to keep or remove the Whanganui Māori Ward for Whanganui District Council
If you’re enrolled, you can vote
It doesn’t matter if you’re on the Māori or General roll – everyone enrolled can vote in this referendum. Make sure you’re enrolled, and your details are up to date, so we know where to send your voting papers.
Enrol or update online
Councils must follow the result of the referendum
This referendum is a Government requirement, and your decision will shape the 2028 and 2031 elections. Regardless of the outcome, Whanganui's Māori Ward will remain in place for the 2025-2027 term.
How Māori wards work
- Māori wards are like Māori electorates in Parliament. Māori roll voters elect Māori ward councillors, and general roll voters elect general ward councillors.
- In Whanganui, there will be one Māori Ward with two councillors elected (alongside ten general ward councillors).
- Regardless of whether you're on the Māori roll or General roll, everyone votes for the mayor.
- Just like general ward councillors, Māori Ward councillors will represent the whole community, taking an oath to serve all residents and ratepayers.