A relationship agreement

Opening of Te Whare o Rehua Sarjeant Gallery - rangatahi performing. Image by Alanah Brown courtesy of Te Whare of Rehua Sarjeant Gallery. Opening-192.jpg

The relationship agreement between the council and the Whanganui Land Settlement Negotiations Trust establishes a formal relationship, acknowledging their shared and distinct responsibilities for the Whanganui district.  

The draft agreement is a new way for the council and Whanganui Hapū and Iwi to walk together and share responsibility for better outcomes for Whanganui.  

Te Tomokanga ki Te Matapihi provides direction on next steps, including to explore and develop: 

  • processes to enhance Whanganui Hapū and Iwi involvement in the council’s decision-making, including under the Resource Management Act 
  • joint leadership of care for identified land and lakes
  • other joint work for the betterment of Whanganui tāngata (people), whenua (land), and te taiao (the environment).

A summary of the relationship agreement can be found here(PDF, 65KB)

What is the council being asked to do? 

It is proposed that the council adopts the relationship agreement Te Tomokanga ki Te Matapihi. This would then formalise the commitment by the council and Takapau Whariki (the post-settlement governance entity) to work together to fulfil our collective responsibilities. 

Financial cost 

The direct costs of the agreement will be minimal. Any activities carried out by the council through this agreement will be resourced through existing budgets.