The Council consulted on the Proposed Road Naming and Numbering Policy 2018, to ensure chosen road names map the history of our community for future generations.
This consultation closed on 6 June 2018.
View all submissions received(PDF, 801KB)
The Council chose 'option four':
The developer of the subdivision is invited to submit up to three names in order of preference. These names will be chosen from an inventory list that the planners have. The names on the inventory list will be provided by the public, who will be asked once or twice a year to submit names that developers could potentially use.
The Council will still make the final decision on which name is chosen for a new road, whichever option is selected.
In the previous policy, developers of subdivisions could submit up to three suggestions for new road names to the Council’s planning team, followed by a report presented to the Council for a final decision.
Beginning September 2018, the Council will ask the community to supply suggested names. We will advertise this in Community Link, the Council’s page in the Midweek.