Survey on internet access and digital confidence in Whanganui

Submissions closed on 25 February 2022, 05:00 PM

Granddaughter helping grandmother with digital device


Whanganui District Council is conducting a district-wide survey to assess the level of internet access and digital confidence in our community. 

The survey runs from 12 noon on Thursday, 13 January 2022 until 5.00pm on Friday, 25 February 2022.

This survey will help the council better understand the current state of internet access and digital confidence in Whanganui, and assist the access or support people may need through libraries, community organisations and businesses.

We hope to use the information from this survey to develop an annual check-in for our digital capabilities so we can continue to make Whanganui a better online environment for all.

Anyone in the Whanganui District is welcome to complete the survey. There will opportunities for those who do not use the internet to participate with a paper survey form, at events or by phone.