Water services delivery in Whanganui - planning for the future

Submissions closing on 14 April 2025, 05:00 PM

The Bastia Hill water tower with Mt Ruapehu in the background

Local Water Done Well is the coalition government’s new plan for managing New Zealand’s drinking water, stormwater and wastewater services, replacing the Labour Government's Affordable Water reforms (often referred to as Three Waters). In a nutshell, while Three Waters and Affordable Water Reforms took a centralised view of the way water services are managed, Local Water Done Well takes a more localised view – with central government oversight. Further information on Local Water Done Well can be found here

Like all district and city councils we are now required to choose a delivery model for our water assets which provides financial resilience, is affordable for ratepayers, and meets new compliance and regulatory standards.

While this is a legislative requirement, it is also an opportunity for collaboration and fostering innovation. Following months of work by the council’s three waters project group and early community engagement towards the end of 2024, Whanganui District Council can now present Water Service Delivery options to our community.

Under Local Water Done Well, city and district councils must:

  • Meet new financial and regulatory requirements, ensuring water services are financially ring-fenced from the rest of council activities. Councils will also be required to meet new economic regulations set by the Commerce Commission to ensure water service delivery is financially sustainable and able to meet improved quality standards.
  • Invest in infrastructure to address long-standing issues and meet new quality standards. 
  • Set fair prices that reflect the cost of delivering water services.
  • Develop a fit-for-purpose Water Services Delivery Plan by early September 2025 outlining how they will meet these requirements.

What are the options?

A key feature of Local Water Done Well is that councils have the flexibility to choose a water services delivery model that will best meet the needs of their community, provided it is financially sustainable and meets the new economic and quality standards.

Before writing a Water Services Delivery Plan, we need to decide on the best water services delivery model for our district in the future. Government requires us to consult on at least two models – the status quo and our preferred option.

We know that good investment and affordability are key concerns within our communities. However, the new rules and regulations under Local Water Done Well legislation will increase the costs to deliver water in the future, no matter which model we choose.

Over the last year we have looked at all the options available to us, both individually and with our neighbours across the region.

We have narrowed down our options to continuing with in-house delivery of water services (the status quo) or establishing a Water Services Council-Controlled Organisation (WS-CCO) – which is a company that is majority-owned by one or more councils. This organisation could be established either by ourselves, or with one or more of our neighbours.

Across these options, the cost of water services to the Whanganui ratepayer is expected to stay almost the same, but we expect to gain greater organisational and financial capacity to meet challenges in the future if we were to join up with our neighbours. 

Further information on each model under consideration, including financial information, advantages and disadvantages can be found in our consultation document(PDF, 7MB)

For a breakdown of each model, with advantages and disadvantages listed, can be found here(PDF, 38KB)

Find out more

To find out more about each option, including advantages, disadvantages and financial implications, check out our consultation document(PDF, 7MB)

How to have your say

Consultation closes on Monday, 14 April, 5.00pm.

Have your say

There are many ways you can share your views with us:

Community engagement events

Please come along to any of our community engagements events to chat with your councillors and staff – pop in any time during the events. Please note that these meetings are drop-in events and are not formal presentations, unless otherwise stated. Please see the timeline on this page for event dates and information.

Got a question for us?

For those unable to attend or access these engagement events, we are also going to record a series of Local Water Done Well Q&A videos. These videos will be available to view on our Facebook page. We encourage and welcome your questions to be answered. Questions can be submitted by email, or private message us on Facebook