Council wins national award for innovative cost saving model

Published on 13 April 2017

13 April 2017

Whanganui District Council’s infrastructure team collected an award on Wednesday, April 12, at the 2017 McGredy Winder Society of Local Government’s (SOLGM) Excellence Awards for a more efficient and responsive way to assess underground infrastructure.                      

The Minister of Local Government’s Award Innovation in Asset Management award was presented to Senior Stormwater Engineer Kritzo Venter, Senior Wastewater Engineer Arno Benadie and Chief Executive Kym Fell at the awards ceremony in Auckland.

The award, for a project called ‘Risk Based Asset Management’, uses a building information model to replace an aged-based or ‘remaining useful life’ approach to underground assets.

The model uses a combination of the Council’s existing asset management plans, flow and rainfall monitoring and underground closed circuit television to prioritise at-risk underground assets.

Mark Hughes, General Manager Infrastructure, says he is really proud of his team for developing the new model and for representing Whanganui nationally for the work they are doing.

“The idea of having an age-based model for underground assets is good in theory but not so good in actuality, especially when funding is limited and we need to make decisions about which assets need maintenance work.

“The new model our team has developed is innovative, smart and serves our community well as it keeps costs down for renewal and replacement and provides a better level of service. We’ve also significantly reduced the Council’s risk profile.

“The fact they received the award is an indication that our Council practices what it preaches in terms of being committed to innovation and thinking outside the box.”

Kym Fell Chief Executive says the award is a testament to Mark and his team.

"To be acknowledged as the best Council in New Zealand for innovation in asset management is a real credit. I know the team is passionate about what they do and how they deliver the best possible service to our community so it’s fantastic they’ve been recognised for it. I was really pleased to be in Auckland with them at the SOLGM awards when our Council’s name was called out for the award.”

The judges of the awards said:

“Decision-making based on an informed assessment of risk and consequence is the way ahead for asset management, especially with water and wastewater where the degree of risk is high and asset condition not always easy to observe. 

Whanganui’s approach is an effective, pragmatic, evidence based approach with the potential to deliver real value for money to their community.  The sector can learn much from the process through which the Council is turning a morass of data into useful information for asset management decisions.”

Information on judges

The judges for the 2017 McGredy Winder Society of Local Government’s (SOLGM) Excellence Awards were:

  • Lyn Provost, Auditor-General

  • Peter Winder, Director, McGredy Winder

  • Michael Willis, consultant and Former President of SOLGM

  • Mark Butcher, Chief Executive, Local Government Funding Agency

  • Helen Algar, Consultant, representing IPANZ

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