Deadline fast approaching for consent and LIM applications

Published on 24 November 2014

24 November 2014

Are you planning a building project or looking to purchase a new house over the Christmas and New Year break?  If so, make sure you get your documentation and payment to the Wanganui District Council in time for us to process your application.

If you need a building or resource consent, please ensure your complete documentation and payments reach us by Wednesday, 26 November 2014.  

The statutory clock days for building and resource consents are suspended from Monday, December 22, to Monday, January 12

If you require a non-urgent LIM report, please ensure we have your application and payment by Wednesday, 10 December 2014.  Applications for urgent LIM reports are due on Monday, 15 December 2014. The statutory clock days for LIM reports are suspended from Thursday, December 25, to Thursday, January 15.

Acting Customer Services Group Manager Bryan Nicholson says if completed applications are not in by these dates, the applications may not be able to be processed before Christmas due to the ‘20-days-to-process’ deadline.

“We will still be processing consents and LIM reports through these periods, but due to reduced staff numbers we can’t guarantee when they will be completed.

“We don’t want people to miss out on getting their holiday project started because they have missed a deadline, so we are advising people to get their applications into us by the applicable deadline.”

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