Generous grant for War Memorial Centre

Published on 19 June 2018

19 June 2018

The Whanganui War Memorial Centre has been given a generous $601,417 grant toward earthquake strengthening from the Lottery Environment and Heritage Committee.  

The grant will contribute to the $4.59M strengthening project, which will upgrade the centre to 67% of the New Building Standard. The centre needs to be strengthened for the safety of the people who use it and to preserve the building itself.

Out of the project total cost, $2.5M is for the strengthening work, with the remainder for deferred maintenance, including electrical and lighting work and a carpet upgrade.

“We are very thankful to the Lottery Environment and Heritage Committee for the grant toward the overall cost of the earthquake upgrade for our largest function centre, as well as their recognition that this is an important building nationally, for its post-war architecture and heritage status,” says Leighton Toy, General Manager – Property.

The seismic upgrade involves bolting existing double blockwork within wall cavities and installing new steel columns which are tied to the walls. There will be some changes to the exterior visual structure, including cleaning the blockwork on the outside of the Pioneer Room and waterproofing it. The green room will also be made bigger to house the heating and ventilation system which will be visible from the outside.

Lottery grants are for projects which help protect, conserve or care for natural, cultural or physical heritage.

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