Over 120 people to speak at Long-Term Plan public hearings

Published on 13 May 2024

Public hearings

More than 120 people will be meeting with Whanganui District Council this week to share their thoughts on the proposed 2024 - 2034 Long-Term Plan and associated consultations such as the proposed changes to the Parking Bylaw – and Fees and Charges.

The public hearings, which will be held on 14, 15, 16 and 22 May, give community members the opportunity to speak with elected members directly.

“Hearing our community’s feedback first-hand is a really important part of the Long-Term Plan process,” says Whanganui District Council Mayor Andrew Tripe. “To be able to have real conversations about what matters most in our district, and to hear a wide range of views, will help ensure we make the right call.

“Elected members and council staff have engaged with people to discuss the issues at numerous events and it’s great to see we’ve had a truly excellent level of feedback so far, more than ever before. I’m really pleased the community is so engaged and thankful to everyone who will be taking time out of their day to speak with us about their formal submissions.”

Within the Long-Term Plan, there are two key areas the council is aiming to balance – what significant cuts should be made to keep rates affordable, and what long-term investments are needed for the future of the district.

This process is about discussing all the options,” explains Mayor Andrew. “Deliberations - where we will make our decisions – are set for early June, and between now and then we will be using this time to review and understand the community’s extensive feedback.”

Public hearings will be held in the Council Chamber at 101 Guyton Street in Whanganui and will be livestreamed on the council’s website and Facebook page. The submissions of those speaking are available on the council’s website now, with all submissions available over the coming days. Final deliberations will be made on 5 - 7 June. 


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