Portfolios to bring the council closer to the people

Published on 25 July 2024

Mayor Andrew Tripe (left) with Councillor Josh Chandulal-Mackay

Whanganui Mayor Andrew Tripe (left) with Councillor Josh Chandulal-Mackay

Whanganui District Council Mayor Andrew Tripe has introduced a portfolio system to give the community a single point of contact on a whole range of topics matching community needs and interests. He says the portfolio system has come about because he’s passionate about bringing the council closer to the people.

“Since starting as Mayor I’ve implemented changes to make elected representatives more visible and accessible, such as the Community Kōrero sessions, where people are invited to talk to us in locations around town about top-of-mind issues.

“With the portfolio system I’ve now introduced, an individual councillor will be responsible for a specific topic, whether it’s parks, sport and recreation, infrastructure and transport, future industries, housing and homelessness, community cohesion, or business growth and relationships, to name just a few.

“There are seventeen portfolio areas in total, so there’s something to interest everyone in the community.”

One of the portfolios Mayor Andrew is most intrigued about is community cohesion. He says the idea for this came about with the increase in social division in recent times. 

“This portfolio will see a focus on bringing our community together and could include events such as suburban barbeques and bonfires.”

Mayor Andrew has asked Councillor Josh Chandulal-Mackay to take on the role of portfolio lead, overseeing the portfolio system to make sure it’s functioning well, and refining it as needed.

Cr Chandulal-Mackay says part of his role will be seeking out opportunities to connect with the community.

Every three months a report will go to the council’s Projects and Grants Committee with a summary of each portfolio and feedback and guidance on how the system is working.

Portfolio holders will be encouraged to connect with interested community members and work as advocates for new opportunities and potential issues, bringing information to the council table backed by sound data insights and analysis.

“This will give elected representatives a deeper insight into community perspectives and a fuller understanding of issues when making decisions,” Cr Chandulal-Mackay says.

Mayor Andrew says each councillor will make the voluntary portfolio holder role their own, depending on their circumstances and interests. Some portfolio areas will have more than one councillor involved and at times councillors will informally support portfolio holders, even if it’s not their portfolio area.

“We have an absolutely wonderful community with a wealth of ideas and talent,” Mayor Andrew says. “The new portfolio system is about valuing community perspectives and bringing us closer to you – together we can achieve so much more.”

You can find out more about the portfolio system on the Whanganui District Council website: https://www.whanganui.govt.nz/community-portfolios


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