Roading update - 14 August 2015

Published on 14 August 2015

14 August 2015

Numerous sites which have slumped along the Whanganui River Road have been temporarily levelled with shellrock until a permanent solution is found. Traffic cones have been placed around these areas for safety purposes.

Due to last weekend’s rain some slips have reoccurred on the Whanganui River Road, but the road is now clear up to Jerusalem.

The road is generally dry at present but it may become slippery very quickly if papa rock material blocks the water table.

There is still a significant amount of water leaching off the papa rock cliff faces and culverts are running heavily.

The roading crews are using a front end loader to continuously clear blocked culverts to attempt to keep the road as dry as possible for public safety.

Kai Iwi Valley Road is open but may need to temporarily close if there is any further rain. We are closely monitoring the rain forecast this weekend.

Erni’s Bridge 15 on Kauarapaoa Road will be closed for repairs, weather permitting, from 7.00am on Monday, August 17 until 6.00pm on Tuesday, August 18.

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