Roading update - 26 August 2015

Published on 26 August 2015

Steady rain overnight on Tuesday, August 25, has brought down minor slips in water tables throughout the roading network. These are being cleared and at this stage there are no further road closures.

  • Existing dropouts on Burrell Road (off State Highway 4) are causing concern with further rain. The road is temporarily closed to heavy vehicles for safety reasons.
  • Minor slip material on Broadview Heights at Mowhanau to be cleared. The road remains open.
  • No 3 Line Bridge (near Kaimatira Road) is now fully open to double lane traffic. Work is still to be done in the stream but it requires a spell of clear weather and lower stream level.

There are 20 heavy machinery crews clearing slips and reforming roadside drainage around the district’s roading network. Seven of the heavy machinery crews are working on the Whanganui River Road.

There is also a crew working on each of the following roads, in between emergency response work throughout the network:

  • Parihauhau Road
  • Tokomaru West Road
  • Mangamahu Road
  • Watershed Road
  • Ahu Ahu Valley Road
  • Makirikiri Valley Road
  • Creek Road
  • Fields Track
  • Kaukatea Valley Road
  • Longacre Road
  • Kauarapaoa Road
  • Matatara Road
  • Kaikokopu Road

In addition, we are undertaking extensive culvert clearing and running sweeper trucks continuously to clean the slippery surface while the sporadic rain leaches material across carriageways. Much of the bulk slip material heaped up on the sides of roads (in order to quickly punch single lane access) is now being cleared to widen out to full carriageway for the safety of locals.

Road closures

  • Whanganui River Road – north of Jerusalem.
  • Kaiwhaiki Road (last 1km) – affects only one house at the end of the road.
  • Mt View Road – uphill section only past no. 49. Can be accessed from Georgetti Road.

4x4 access only

  • Ahu Ahu Valley Road
  • Watershed Road

2WD but extreme caution needed due to slippery surface

  • Whanganui River Road – from start to Jerusalem. While the road is officially open to Jerusalem, it should be used only when necessary and campervans are advised to use an alternative route north. If travelling on this road is absolutely necessary then people must drive at safe speeds for the conditions and take additional care in wet weather.
  • Junction Road
  • Longacre Road
  • Kauarapaoa Road
  • Rangiora Road
  • Matahiwi Track
  • Bruce Road
  • Creek Road

Kai Iwi Valley Road is open but may be affected by any further rain. We are closely monitoring the road as large amounts of slip material is continuing to slide (2km from SH3).

All other roads in the district are open and available to 2WD, cars etc. Truck and trailer contractors who wish to gain access to rural roads are advised to phone the Wanganui Alliance for an update. All rural roads remain slippery with any significant rain.

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