Speed limit changes arrive

Published on 08 May 2019

80km/h speed limit signs

Changes to speed limits are occurring in several locations around Whanganui.

The changes come into effect on Wednesday, 8 May 2019, and are intended as a public safety measure.

They include the permanent speed limit that covers the area of Francis and Rapanui roads surrounding Westmere School, which has been lowered from 100km/h to 80km/h. The area of Rapanui Road that lies between State Highway 3 and the intersection with Francis Road has also had its speed limit permanently lowered from 100km/h to 80km/h.

In line with these changes, the variable speed limit around Westmere School on Francis Road has also been reduced, this time from 70km/h to 60km/h.

Whanganui District Councillor Kate Joblin, who chairs the Council’s Strategy and Finance Committee, says the Francis-Rapanui roads intersection has been an area of concern for the local community for some time.

“Speed limits in this area needed to be lowered to increase public safety around Westmere School. The general area is also becoming more built-up with new housing so reducing the speed limit will also help address issues such as vehicle noise and street racers for local residents.”

At Castlecliff Beach the speed limit between the North Mole and the southern bank of Mowhanau Stream has been decreased from 100km/h to 30km/h. The new speed limit is permanent and applies to all vehicles at all times of the year.

Cr Joblin says the reduced speed limit on Castlecliff Beach is necessary because of the shared nature of the area. She says fast-moving vehicles and people fishing, swimming or walking on the beach are not a good mix.

“Safety has to be the priority at all times, so vehicle users are now required to travel at a reduced speed to ensure the welfare of all beach goers.”

Amendments to the Traffic and Speed Limits Bylaw 2017 were adopted by Whanganui District Council on 9 April, 2019 after a period of public consultation.


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