Calling all artists – submissions open for Chorus Cabinets

Published on 17 September 2024

2023 Chorus cabinet art in Whanganui

2023 Chorus cabinet artworks by Kalia Andrews, Rebekah Pearson, Kylee Saunders and Michelle Sigley (clockwise from top left).

Submissions are now open for the annual Chorus Cabinet art initiative and Whanganui artists are invited to enter.

Chorus Cabinet Art is a joint project between Chorus and participating councils which offers creatives the opportunity to paint Chorus telecommunications cabinets.

Funded by Chorus, the project aims to beautify neighbourhoods, prevent vandalism, reflect the culture and history of local communities and support local emerging and established artists.

Whanganui District Council’s creative communities advisor, Anique Jayasinghe, says this year there are more options than ever to choose from, with a total of five cabinets available to be painted.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for artists to have artwork around town for the whole community to appreciate. The Chorus Cabinet Art project has been popular since it re-emerged in 2022. We have had six original paintings created in Whanganui by various artists since then, adding a pop of colour and vibrancy to our surroundings.”

Chorus pays for materials as well as artist fees, which vary depending on the size of the cabinet.

Chorus community relations lead, Jo Seddon, has been managing the delivery of the Chorus Cabinet Art project across the country.

“We’re really happy to be able to bring the initiative to Whanganui again this year, thanks to our partnership with the local council. The standard of art work in Whanganui is always very high and it’s going to be great to see what artists come up with,” Jo Seddon says.

Artists are encouraged to submit entries before the deadline of Monday, 14 October.

The cabinet locations are: 3 Cross Street, Castlecliff; 36 Totara Street, Tawhero, 38 Bell Street, Central; 121 State Highway 4, Putiki (by Korokota memorial landmark), and 51 Wakefield Street, Whanganui East.

Anique Jayasinghe says each of the cabinets has a unique community surrounding it so it’s helpful to visit the cabinet sites to see what artwork would be best suited to that community and cabinet.

She says it can also be helpful to look up examples of cabinet artworks around the country on the Chorus website.

“We can’t wait to see the interesting designs submitted this year and look forward to having five more vibrant pieces of art integrated into suburban streetscapes around Whanganui for the community to enjoy.”

Artists can read more about the programme, download information and apply here 

Existing murals can be found here:

For more information on the application process, contact the council’s creative community advisor on and 06 349 3086

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