Changes to EnviroWaste Rubbish Collection
Published on 01 December 2017
1 December 2017
Whanganui District Council is aware that EnviroWaste is no longer selling pink stickers for rubbish bag collection as they are moving to a wheelie bin only service.
Waste Management have advised the Council that they are not making any changes to their service but are considering a move away from rubbish bags in the future. Until a decision is made, they will continue to sell their yellow stickers for rubbish bag collection.
EnviroWaste will not be providing refunds for stickers that have already been purchased. However, EnviroWaste's rubbish bags and other black rubbish bags with valid stickers on will continue to be collected at the kerbside as usual, for as long as they are in circulation.
Whanganui District Council understands the move away from rubbish bags will have significant effects on some residents.
Council spokesman Stuart Hylton says “The council has received a number of enquiries regarding this and would like to remind residents that EnviroWaste is a private company. While Whanganui District Council has no role in providing waste collection services in the urban environment, we remain concerned about the effect this change has on residents who place rubbish bags out for collection.”
Envirowaste has informed the Council the company is moving away from rubbish bag collections in many areas, including Whanganui.
Reasons given include eliminating issues relating to environmental contamination from the excessive creation and end use of plastic and minimisation of injuries to collection staff from sharp objects in plastic bags and from manual handling of bags.
Mayor Hamish McDouall says that “The Council continues to monitor the situation while we consider all short and long term options for re-entry into the waste collection market, if the situation necessitates.” The Council expects to receive reports on its options early next year.
At this time residents can continue to put out valid rubbish bags for collection or contact their rubbish collection company for other waste collection options.
The Council will provide an update when more information is available. Until then, if you have any issues or queries regarding rubbish collection you can contact EnviroWaste on 06 344 4201 or Waste Management on 06 348 8009.