Climate action fund recipients announced
Published on 10 January 2025
Whanganui District Council’s Community Climate Action Fund has awarded funding to six community organisations for local climate action initiatives.
The council’s climate change advisor, Caroline Arrowsmith, says the fund empowers community groups to grow Whanganui’s resilience to the impacts of climate change.
“As with previous years, we were impressed with the calibre of applications. It’s inspiring to see the diverse range of worthwhile initiatives coming out of our community, with a strong focus on education as well as carbon sequestration and land stabilisation through native planting, food growing, sustainable transport and energy efficiency.
“When awarding funding, we’re looking at how these projects will deliver the greatest benefit for the Whanganui community.”
The grant recipients were selected by the fund’s assessment panel, which includes council staff, community members and Hapū representatives. Applications were assessed based on their alignment with the fund’s criteria and strategic goals with applicants invited to discuss their projects with the panel.
$50,050 will be distributed across the following projects:
- Tarapuruhi Bushy Park ($15,100): Funding for an educator/community relations coordinator under the Whakapaia te Ngahere initiative
- A Rocha Aotearoa – Eco Church Project ($10,000): Engaging Whanganui church communities to take climate action
- Woven Rivers Trust – The Learning Environment ($7,000): Supporting climate education activities in a māra kai (food garden) and native tree nursery
- Ngapera Kehu Ahu Whenua Trust ($6,300): Land stabilisation and carbon sequestration through native planting
- Sustainable Whanganui Trust ($5,900): Supporting projects such as Greening Whanganui (planting fruit trees in schools), Green Bikes, and improving accessibility to the Enviro Hub on Drews Ave
- The ECO School ($5,750): Providing 20 free home energy efficiency consultations and offering climate change education at Kaitiaki Farm.
The Community Climate Action Fund was introduced in 2022 and over that time has supported a total of 22 community climate action initiatives.
The future of the Community Climate Action Fund will be determined by Whanganui District councillors during this year’s Annual Plan process.
A full list of recipients and more information about the fund are available at: