Community welcomed to drop-in sessions

Published on 15 January 2025

Working together post-settlement: Community Korero image

A series of informal drop-in sessions about Whanganui District Council’s post-land settlement relationship with Iwi will be held throughout January at a range of times in libraries and community centres around the district.

The council wants to engage with the Whanganui hāpori (community) ahead of making key decisions on a platform for joint work with Takapau Whariki, the post-settlement governance entity for the Whanganui Land Settlement.

Whanganui Land Settlement Negotiation Trust (WLSNT) Chair Ken Mair, Whanganui Mayor Andrew Tripe, Chief Crown Negotiator Rick Barker and Whanganui district councillor Josh Chandulal-Mackay, along with other WLSNT team members and councillors, will be available at the sessions.

All are welcome to pop in to the sessions. These will provide an informal opportunity to share a cup of tea ask questions and give feedback on proposals that will require the participation of the council, once the land settlement has been finalised.

In December 2024, around 350 people attended two panel sessions held at the Whanganui War Memorial Centre, an engagement event was held at Mōwhānau and a community survey is also underway on the council website where people can share their feedback and ideas. More than 200 responses have been received to date.

Some respondents asked questions about the process, costs and aspects of future arrangements and answers have been provided in an FAQ section on the council site.

Responses and feedback from community engagement events will help councillors understand community perspectives ahead of their meeting on 13 February, when decisions will be made on the council’s post Treaty settlement relations with Hapū and Iwi. This meeting will be public and live-streamed on the council’s Facebook page.

Drop-in session times are as follows:

Thursday 23 January, 9.30 - 11.30am Alexander Library - Te Rerenga Mai o Te Kāuru

Thursday 23 January, 4.30 - 6.00pm Hakeke Community Centre and Library

Wednesday 29 January, 10.00am - 12.00pm Gonville Library

Thursday 30 January, 9.30 - 11.00am Lake front lawn at Rotokawau Virginia Lake (weather dependent)

Thursday 30 January, 4.15 - 5.45pm Castlecliff Community Hub and Library

The engagement period closes on Sunday, 2 February 2025.

For more information, and to complete the survey, visit the Whanganui District Council website -


In December 2018, Whanganui District Council made a commitment to explore a relationship that would see the council walk beside Whanganui Hapū/Iwi in support of their Treaty land settlement negotiations.

The settlement acknowledges the wrongs of the past – and also charts a course for the future.

Prior to finalisation of the Treaty settlement, the council is being asked to make decisions on a platform for joint work with Takapau Whariki, the post-settlement governance entity for the Whanganui Land Settlement.

The platform consists of:

  • Adopting the relationship agreement – Te Tomokanga ki Te Matapihi
  • Entering into a Statutory Reserves Board – Ngā Tūtei a Maru, subject to finalisation of the Whanganui Land Settlement
  • Agreeing to the establishment of a charitable trust – Toitū te Whānau.



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