Splash Centre closed while Alert Level 2 measures clarified
Published on 07 September 2021
The Splash Centre will remain closed in the meantime until there is more certainty around Alert Level 2 measures and what that means for the safety of staff and patrons.
Splash Centre manager Dave Campbell says the centre will be closed until at least Monday, 13 September.
“Alert Level 2 this time is set to look quite different from the Alert Level 2 we were familiar with from last year.
“There is a lot of information for us to consider around new distancing rules, gathering sizes, mask use and providing an opportunity for people to record their movements.”
Dave Campbell says Sport New Zealand is now writing detailed Alert Level 2 guidance for the play, active recreation and sport sector based on the new Alert Level 2 rules announced on Monday, 6 September. Recreation Aotearoa, who set industry guidelines, are also contributing to that process.
“We would like to thank our patrons for their patience while this guidance is being considered.
“In the meantime, please check our Facebook page for updates at: facebook.com/SplashcentreWhanganui.”
Sarah O’Hagan, Whanganui District Council general manager, property and open spaces, says, “We are working alongside the team at the Splash Centre to support opening once there is clarity about how to operate safely and within the refreshed Alert Level 2 requirements.”