Fitzherbert Avenue extension to Mosston Road

  • Project typeCapital works
  • Project value$2.92 million
  • Project scheduleNovember 2020 to June 2021
  • Contractor nameB Bullock (2009) Ltd
  • Completion Date31 August 2021

The Fitzherbert Avenue Extension to Mosston Road has been identified by Whanganui District Council as a key growth project for enabling the residential expansion of Springvale and the industrial development on Mill Road.

The rezoning of the Springvale Residential Growth expansion area enables the extension of Fitzherbert Avenue to allow access to prime residential land. The extension (to an arterial road standard) includes new reticulated and utility underground services to accommodate the residential growth demands of the area and provides a strategic transportation link between the residential areas of Whanganui and the developing Industrial land around Mill Road. 

This contract is partially funded under the Whanganui Redeployment framework, from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, intended to secure immediate employment in infrastructure to stimulate the local and national economy post Covid-19. Around $1.8 million of the shovel-ready project has been funded by the Government.

This contract will include, but is not limited to the following: 

  • Earthworks, fencing, buildings and tree/vegetation removal.
  • New sealed road formation approximately 600m in length to an arterial standard, extending Fitzherbert Avenue to Mosston Road including subdivision intersection tie ins to several smaller linking roads (proposed current and future).
  • Modifications to Mosston Road including seal widening to accommodate the proposed intersection with Fitzherbert Avenue. Includes extension of existing vehicle entranceway culverts and seal/fencing amendments to rural vehicle crossings within the designated construction envelope along Mosston Road.
  • Construction of stormwater, wastewater and water reticulation networks within the Fitzherbert Avenue Extension road reserve.
  • Supply and installation of street lighting and associated ancillary electricity works to arterial standard.
  • Close liaison with nominated utility providers, and trenching immediately ahead of and in conjunction with the utility providers, to enable the installation of underground utility networks under the main contractor umbrella, including those for power, gas and ultrafast fibre.
  • Construction of street lighting poles and associated componentry.
  • Undercutting of subgrade and backfill with granular subbase/basecourse layer and geotextile.
  • Construction of concrete kerb and channel, vehicle crossings and access ways to boundary.
  • Construction of 3m wide shared pathway for length of new road formation.
  • Construction of concrete footpaths, pram crossings and tactile pavers.
  • Reinstatement of fencing, berms and other miscellaneous ancillary works.
  • Chipseal sealing.
  • Road marking to an arterial standard including a right turn bay and free left turn at the proposed intersection to Mosston Road. 


Milestone Work description
Monday, 16 November 2020 Project begins
November to December 2020 Temporary stormwater and sediment control works, along with site clearing and earthworks
January to April 2021 Installation of stormwater and sewer pipelines, water reticulation, gas, fibre, Chrous, power utilities 
April to May 2021 Formation and construction of new road, footpaths, vehicle crossing and shared pathway, including streetlighting
June to August 2021 Sealing and roadmarking of new road and widening of Mosston Road to accommodate turning bay, final fencing and ancillary completion works
This works schedule is subject to change, based on inclement weather.


133 Fitzherbert Avenue, Tawhero 4501  View Map

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