Accelerated procurement – 2023-24 Annual Plan projects

  • Project typeInfrastructure - Three Waters and Roading teams
  • Completion Date30 June 2024
Nixon Street project

A selection of critical Infrastructure projects for three waters and transportation activities will be delivered over the summer of 2023/24.

These projects aim to make the best use of local resource availability and meet the objective of the Whanganui District Council’s Long-Term Plan and 30-year Infrastructure Strategy.

Sixteen projects (details can be found below) have been combined into one package called ‘Contract 2045 - Accelerated Procurement - 23-24 Annual Plan Projects’. This package was released to the market for Request of Interest (ROI) on 23 July 2023.

The shortlisted contractors were informed of their selection on 22 September 2023. Nine projects have been released, five projects will be released early 2024, and the remainder have been postponed until the next fiscal year due to the budget shortfall.

These projects will benefit the entire Whanganui area in the following ways:

  • Improve the level of service for three waters network and meet the requirements of the growing development demands throughout the network
  • Reduce flood risks with a better drainage network
  • Reduce pressure on the wastewater network
  • Provide resilience to the projected effects of long-term climate change
  • Ensure continuity of water supply
  • Better firefighting capability and increased flow/pressure within the water network
  • Increase asset life.

Roading and bridges

Contract 2051: Carson Street Extension – Enabling Works

Carson Street extension

Tūpoho and the Whanganui District Council are committed to achieving positive cultural, environmental, and social outcomes through the procurement of Te Tirohanga Papakāinga Housing Development.

Tūpoho has developed a masterplan for housing on land straddling Carson Street which also has access to Bamber, Lee and Karyn streets. The first phase of this multi-stage development is the enabling works for Carson Street, including extending the street northeast to the boundary.

The work includes applying a protective seal coat ready for kerb, channel and final surfacing which will be carried out by others at a later date.

Works completed April 2024.

Contract 2044: Fitzherbert Avenue to Fox Road Link Road

Fox Road to Fitzherbert Road new road

A new link road between Fox Road and Fitzherbert Avenue will be constructed to enable new housing in this area. This project includes the construction work of approximately 600 metres of new road, and the installation of new stormwater, wastewater, water and other supporting services.

This project is expected to go out to tender before the end of December 2024.

Contract 1968: Erni’s Bridge (Br 15) – Replacement/Renewal

Erni's Bridge project

Erni’s Bridge (BR 15) is a single-lane, single-span bridge approximately 15 metres long from abutment to abutment. It is at the end of its economic life. It is subject to level of maintenance and now was a weight restriction of 44,000kg. The bridge serves a significant area of forestry and farmland.

The bridge crosses the Kauarapaoa Stream which is in a deep ravine. It was originally constructed of timber with the centre section supported by raked timber piers against the vertical face of the ravine. In the 1960s steel castellated beams and transoms were constructed around the timber bridge. These were set on ‘pockets’ cut into the rock.

There are geotechnical issues affecting the stability of the western foundation. 

Works completed October 2024.


Contract 2050: Raupo Street Stormwater Upgrade – Stage 3

Raupo Street project

This project includes the construction work of 623 metres new stormwater main from Raupo Street at Tongariro Street along Puriri Street up to Kowhai Street, by utilising the open-cut trench methodology to install pipelines with varying diameters of 375mm, 450 mm, 525mm, and 600mm.

The Raupo Street-Puriri Street area currently lacks stormwater services resulting in stormwater inflow to the wastewater system. This has been regarded as a barrier to achieving wastewater and stormwater separation. The installation of a new stormwater pipeline will significantly improve the level of service in the area, effectively addressing the stormwater overflow issue. It will also reduce the risk of flooding and facilitate public separation of wastewater and stormwater systems, both in the immediate area and upstream to be carried out.

This stormwater upgrade has been divided into three stages.

Stage 1: from Heads Road to Hinau Street (completed)
Stage 2: from Hinau Street to Tongariro Street (in process)
Stage 3: from Tongariro Street, along Puriri Street to Kowhai Street.

Works completed August 2024.

Contract 2053: Sandcroft Drive Stormwater Outfall

Sandcroft Drive project

Due to the surrounding topography, stormwater from areas to the west including Tirimoana Place enters the pond which has no outfall other than soakage through the sand layers below.

Water seeks through the ground and enters the ditch near the Sandcroft Drive/Montgomery junction, within the water level in the pond can be high affecting the surrounding properties. This project will maintain the level within a suitable operating range.

The project includes the installation of various valves, including check valves, air emittance valves, and control valves, along with a siphon charging point and manholes. 

This project was awarded to Fulton Hogan. Works completed April 2024.

Contract 2054: Talbot Street Stormwater Outfalls

Talbot Street project

Replacement of a 600mm and a 450mm stormwater outfall to Whanganui River. Work includes construction of temporary support to protect construction workers, new manholes, pipe work, bank stabilisation and nature plantings in association with Ngā Tāngata Tiaki o Whanganui (NTT).

Works completed.


Contract 2056: Heads Road watermain upgrade

Heads Road project

Using the directional drilling method, 254 metres of new 180mm PE watermain will be constructed along Heads Road from Cavell Place to 81 Heads Road in front of Whanganui Hospital.

The existing 150mm SR watermain on Heads Road has reached the end of its useful life, posing a potential risk to the continuity of supply for the Heads Road area. The new watermain will provide better water supply control and firefighting capability, and increased asset life to surrounding residents, businesses, the hospital and the wider community.

This project was awarded to TD Drilling and is now complete.

Contract 2057: Collingwood Street water supply upgrade

Collingwood Street project

The replacement work of 196 metres of watermain by using either the open-cut trench method (100mm PVC) or the directional drilling methodology (125mm PE) will be undertaken by the awarded contractor along Collingwood Street from Rangitikei Street to Tipai Street.

The water main in Collingwood Street provides water to the surrounding residents and wider community. The current 196 metres of watermain on Collingwood Street from Rangitikei Street to Tipai Street has reached the end of its useful life, therefore there is a need to replace this section to ensure continuity of supply to the Whanganui East area.

This project was awarded to TD Drilling and completed on 19 December 2023.

Contract 2059: Eastown Road watermain replacement

Eastown Road watermain

This project includes the replacement of 520 metres of 180mm PE watermain on Eastown Road from Rangitikei Street to Lenihan Street by using the directional drilling methodology (180mm PE).

The current watermain on Eastown Road (from Rangitikei Street to Lenihan Street) has reached the end of its useful life, and requires replacement ensuring better water supply control and firefighting capability to surrounding residents, businesses and the wider community.

TD Drilling began this project on 15 January 2024 and is now complete. 

Somme Parade watermain

This project will start in November 2024. 

Contract 2055: Symes Road to SH3 water supply upgrade

Symes Road project

This project has been postponed until the next fiscal year. 

Surrey Road – watermain replacement

Surrey Road project

This project has been postponed until the next financial year.

Construction work will begin at the end of January 2025.


Contract 2041: Nixon Street Wastewater Upgrade – Stage 2

Nixon Street project

The Nixon Street wastewater line has been identified as a critical asset servicing the north-eastern side of Whanganui East. The wastewater line was constructed in 1910 (112) years ago and consists of a 375mm/300mm earthenware pipe extending from Anzac Parade to Raine Street.

Over the years the line has deteriorated, exhibiting cracks, broken sections, ovalisation and misalignment. Additionally, numerous points of infiltration have reduced the level of service. This line is at the bottom of the catchment and in the event of a failure will result in the loss of service to the remainder of the upstream catchment. Stage one which addresses the section from Anzac Parade to Moana Street is expected to be completed by 1 May 2024.

The Nixon Street – Wastewater Upgrade project has been divided into three stages:

Stage 1: from Anzac Parade to Moana Street (under construction)

Stage 2: Moana Street to Raine Street (expected to be completed by 19 July 2024)

Stage 3: Anzac Parade to Moana Street (“rider” wastewater pipes laid under footpath on both sides) – this project has been postponed until the next fiscal year (1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025).

This project has been awarded to I D Loader Ltd. Construction work began on 7 February 2024 and is expected to be completed before 31 August 2024.

Contract 2043: Karamu Street Wastewater Upgrade

Work on the Karamu Street wastewater upgrade project is expected to begin on 27 May 2024 and be completed by early-August 2024

The existing wastewater infrastructure extending from Totara Street to Attrill Place has been found to be inadequate to accommodate future growth.

This necessitates an upgrade of the wastewater main to enhance service quality for the local area and provide sufficient capacity for upcoming developments. The current 150mm main is undersized when considering future growth.

Replacing the existing 150mm main with a larger 225mm uPVC main will ensure the system can handle increased wastewater flow and support future growth.

The existing mains from Attrill Place to Karamu Street are already uPVC, while the main on Karamu Street is concrete. Upgrading to a 225mm uPVC main will standardise the infrastructure and significantly improve the overall efficiency and reliability of the wastewater system.

This project has been awarded to Fulton Hogan – work is scheduled to begin on 27 May 2024 with estimated completion in early August 2024.

Contract 2041: Nixon Street Wastewater Upgrade – Stage 3

This project has been postponed until the next fiscal year. 

Contract 1868: Eastown Road KiwiRail Yard Wastewater Renewal

Eastown Road project

The wastewater main connecting Eastown Road to Salisbury Avenue and Burton Avenue, installed in 1924, is a crucial infrastructure serving the upper end of Eastown Road, including Benefield Street and the general residential zone of No 3 Line.

This 115-metre section, composed of a 300mm-diameter earthenware pipe, runs from a manhole on Eastown Road through KiwiRail land, terminating at a manhole near Salisbury Avenue. A recent inspection has revealed a fault under the railway tracks, necessitating replacement.

The proposed solution involves replacing the existing 300mm earthenware pipe with a new 300mm polyethylene (PE) main. This replacement will span from the manhole on Eastown Road to the manhole near Salisbury Avenue, with the addition of a new manhole on KiwiRail land to provide direct access adjacent to the railway tracks.

To facilitate construction, bypass pumping will be required from the manhole on Eastown Road to the manhole at the corner of Lenihan Street. The new PE pipe will be laid at a grade of 1-in-400 (0.25%) to ensure optimal wastewater flow and mitigate future blockage risks.

This project has been awarded to Downer – work completed July 2024.

Contact details

Infrastructure Team
06 349 3047