Healthy Streams Whanganui

Kararo Stream project - artist's impression

Healthy Streams Whanganui is a community project led by Whanganui District Council to keep our waterways clean and tidy.

Community project partners include local iwi, Horizons Regional Council, the Department of Conservation, the Ministry for the Environment’s Mahi mō te Taiao / Jobs for Nature programme, charitable trusts including the Whanganui River Enhancement Trust, commercial businesses and landowners.

Several projects are underway or have been completed on streams around the Whanganui River.

The Whanganui catchment streams included in the project include: Kokohuia (Rogers Street), Karamu (Churton Street), Tangingongoro (Russell Street), Kaikokopu (Kelvin Street), Zoo Creek (Aramoho), Tutaeika (Paterson Street East), Awarua (Nepia Road), Mateongaonga (Riverbank Road), Ngatarua (Putiki), Matarawa (Whanganui East) and Purua (Durie Hill).