Safer Whanganui

Safer Whanganui logo

Safer Whanganui is a community-led coalition of agencies and groups working in partnership to provide leadership and direction for the promotion of community safety in Whanganui.

Chaired by Whanganui District Councillor Kate Joblin, the high-level Safer Whanganui governance group includes representatives from the council as well as iwi, Ministry of Education, New Zealand Police, Horizons Regional Council, Whanganui District Health Board, Sport Whanganui, Ministry of Social Development, Fire and Emergency New Zealand, Corrections and children’s, business and community representatives.

Safer Whanganui also has seven specialist reference groups which work on addressing issues like road safety, family violence, safety and well-being, alcohol and drugs, emergency planning, justice and housing.

Our community was awarded International Safe Community status in 2010. In 2016, Whanganui was formally re-accredited as a Safe Community within the Pan-Pacific Safe Communities network, which consists of about 100 Safe Communities across New Zealand, the United States, Australia and Canada. All Safer Communities aim to reduce and prevent injury and crime and to build strong, cohesive, vibrant and participatory communities.

In 2016 Safer Whanganui participated in a national pilot programme to show we are making a difference, not only in the Whanganui community but also against national indicators.

The World Health Organization recognises the Safe Community model as an important mechanism for promoting the implementation of evidence-based action for violence and injuries. Our status was made possible by an outstanding collaboration of community partners, agencies and organisations focused around a common goal.

The council’s commitment to Safer Whanganui is shown by its funding of a full-time manager and inclusion of Safer Whanganui in its 10-year plan.