Community Portfolios 2022-25

A portfolio system has been introduced to give the community a single point of contact on a whole range of topics matching community needs and interests.

Portfolio holders are available to connect with interested community members for their portfolio area and work as advocates for issues, bringing information to the council table backed by sound data insights and analysis. The aim is to give elected representatives a deeper insight into community perspectives and a fuller understanding of issues when making decisions.

Housing and Homelessness

Portfolio holder: Kate Joblin
Portfolio members: Jenny Duncan
The purpose of this committee is to champion the council's Housing Strategy, to develop governmental and community partnerships aimed at addressing homelessness and to champion opportunities to grow housing supply.

Older Persons

Portfolio holder: Glenda Brown
Portfolio members: Josh Chandulal-Mackay
The purpose of this committee is to identify opportunities for older persons and older persons organisations to engage with the council and to engage with the community on older persons needs and aspirations.


Portfolio holder: Charlotte Melser
Portfolio members: Josh Chandulal-Mackay
The purpose of this committee is to identify opportunities for young people and youth organisations to engage with council and to engage with the community on youth needs and aspirations.

Accessibility and Disability

Portfolio holder: Ross Fallen
Portfolio members: Philippa Baker-Hogan
The purpose of this committee is to ensure that council decisions are made through a disability lens and to facilitate stronger relationships between the council and the disability sector.

Community Cohesion

Portfolio holder: Josh Chandulal-Mackay
Portfolio members: Glenda Brown
The purpose of this committee is to identify opportunities for the council to promote relationships and understanding between diverse peoples and groups, and to promote opportunities for connection and community across the district.

Climate and Sustainability

Portfolio holder: Charlotte Melser
Portfolio members: Jenny Duncan
The purpose of this committee is to champion the council’s Climate Change Strategy and to ensure that council decisions are made through an adaptation and mitigation lens.


Portfolio holder: Rob Vinsen
Portfolio members: Ross Fallen
The purpose of this committee is to champion the council’s Waste Plan and to explore further opportunities for environmentally sustainable initiatives. This portfolio will have a particular focus on the kerbside recycling service.

Parks, Sport and Recreation

Portfolio holder: Philippa Baker-Hogan
Portfolio members: Rob Vinsen
The purpose of this committee is to champion the council’s Open Spaces and Physical Activity Strategy and to develop and strengthen relationships between the council and the sport and recreation sector.

Heritage Matters

Portfolio holder: Helen Craig
Portfolio members: Ross Fallen
The purpose of this committee is to champion the council’s Heritage Strategy and to advocate for heritage retention throughout the district and enhance Whanganui’s point of difference as a heritage centre.

Arts and Creative Activation

Portfolio holder: Charlotte Melser
Portfolio members: Helen Craig
The purpose of this committee is to activate the arts and creative sector, to promote their place in the community and enhance Whanganui’s point of difference in arts and creative.

Business Growth and Relationships

Portfolio holder: Glenda Brown
Portfolio members: Kate Joblin
The purpose of this committee is to develop relationships with the district business sector and to promote opportunities for the council to facilitate business growth and innovation.

International Relations

Portfolio holder: Andrew Tripe
Portfolio members: Rob Vinsen
The purpose of this committee is to promote a global perspective by strengthening the district’s international relationships particularly with Sister Cities and through international networks like UNESCO Creative Cities.

Future Industries

Portfolio holder: Michael Law
Portfolio member: Andrew Tripe
The purpose of this committee is to explore, promote and champion the industries that could form the future economic profile of Whanganui.

Whanganui Brand and Story

Portfolio holder: Andrew Tripe
Portfolio members: Helen Craig
The purpose of this committee is to develop, strengthen and promote a coherent brand and story for Whanganui that cuts across the district and enhances our reputation nationally and internationally.

Infrastructure and Transport

Portfolio holder: Rob Vinsen
Portfolio members: Charlie Anderson
The purpose of this committee is to act as a community liaison on infrastructure and transport matters and to promote relevant issues/challenges to the council.

Rural Affairs

Portfolio holder: David Wells – RCB
Portfolio members: Helen Craig, Ross Fallen
The purpose of this committee is to represent and promote the views of the rural sector within the council and to encourage strategic and policy development that reflects the issues/challenges faced by the rural community.

Town Centre Regeneration

Portfolio holder: Helen Craig
Portfolio members: Josh Chandulal-Mackay
The purpose of this committee is to champion initiatives that will enhance the CBD and to support the objectives of the Town Centre Regeneration Strategy.