Newcomers Guide to Whanganui



Whanganui District Council and the Whanganui Welcoming Communities Advisory Group warmly welcome you to Whanganui. It’s great to have you here! This webpage provides a brief overview of the role of council, and some important information and contacts to help you settle in.  

Information in my language / / 번역 / अनुवाद / 翻訳 / fa'aliliuga / 翻訳する

If you need help with translation, we recommend:

  • has helpful information about life in Whanganui available in English / 简体中文 / 日本語 / 한국어 / Аккаунт / Tiếng Việt / العربية / Bahasa Indonesia / ไทย / Tagalog
  • Citizens Advice Bureau have access to Connect Now interpreting service and local multilingual volunteers. Pop into the CAB office at 120 Guyton Street, free call 0800 367 222, or send a message on their online chat.
  • Multicultural Council of Whanganui / Rangitikei may be able to help with local translators. Contact: 06 343 1031 / 021 0254 0709 /
  • Most government departments, helplines and large organisations have translation assistance services. To use this service, call the organisation you wish to speak with and ask for translation support in your preferred language.

A Welcoming Community

We are proud to be an accredited ‘Welcoming Community’ with Immigration NZ, recognising that communities are healthier, happier and more productive when newcomers are welcomed and participate fully in society and in the local economy.

For more information on how we are enhancing newcomer experiences, read our Welcoming Communities Plan(PDF, 11MB).

Welcoming Activities Grant

The Whanganui Welcoming Activities Grant supports initiatives that help to make Whanganui more welcoming for newcomers, such as improving access to information and services, celebrating culture and supporting civic and economic opportunities.

Visit the Welcoming Activities Grant webpage for more information.

Cultural Calendar

The cultural calendar(PDF, 284KB) focuses on cultural events and days of significance relevant to Whanganui. It is not an exhaustive list and should be considered as a guide only.

We’re here to help

If you need any further support you can call or email customer services team on 06 349, or pop in and have a chat with the friendly team at 101 Guyton Street.

You can also reach out to these local contacts:

Multicultural Council of Rangitīkei/Whanganui
Over the past 20 years the Multicultural Council have welcomed many newcomers to our vibrant, ethnically diverse community; offering practical help and providing events and activities to share culture and traditions.

Visit their website
Phone: 06 343 1031 / 021 0254 0709

Citizens Advice Bureau
CAB are a one-stop-shop if you require advice or support. This service is available to all members of the community and is free and confidential. Translation help is available.

Phone: 06 345 0844
Address: 120 Guyton Street, Whanganui